


With an end always comes another beginning.

This is an approach I have been taking for things of late, whether it is the sense of attachment to a particular place or the friendships that I have made.  All of the feelings of loss are but a momentary sigh; all the feelings of gain a mere reflection of the good times gone by. 

With the end of my penultimate semester at Cornell, I feel it is obligatory to do a post on lessons learned from these past couple of semeters.

I have come to realize that imperfection is a good thing - a most desired ideal that I have only started to appreciate.  Coming to terms with imperfection enabled me to do something I haven't done in a long while: to approach every day as though it was a new day for discovery.

I dare say that this is one of the most important lessons I have acquired throughout my college years.  I have always been one to strive for perfection; I would over-analysis my mistakes and beat myself up for them.  I never learned to let go of the past and move on.  From the rifts in relationships to the less-than-stellar grades, I made it a point to remember all those "problems" and never let myself sleep unless I corrected them.

Determined to strive for perfection and constantly beating myself up for failing to reach this "ideal," I succumbed to countless emotional outbursts and physical breakdowns.

But I soon realized that I would never be that ideal, perfect self that I envisioned in the mirror.  This realization came to me only after 7 semesters of being a constant train wreck on campus. 

So here I am now, finally coming to terms with myself and adopting a more proactive and healthy attitude toward life.  The failure to reach perfection does not make me any less worthy of a person; in fact, it only makes me stronger by approach life and all its hurdles with a positive mindset for self-development.

Let life bring out its best, because I have finally learned how to let go.